Bitstream Font Navigator Catalog Download

Bitstream Font Navigator Download

CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite X3 includes Bitstream® Font Navigator®, an award-winning font manager. CorelDRAW ® Graphics Suite X3 termasuk Bitstream Font Navigator ® ®, pemenang penghargaan font manager.
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Bitstream Font Navigator Software CorelDRAW X5 v. Graphic design software for striking visual communication Put the power of CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite X5 behind your ideas and make a bold impact across any media.

Font Navigator allows you to quickly and easily Font Navigator memungkinkan Anda untuk dengan cepat dan mudah. Inilah kelebihan Corel Draw. Dari corel terlama alias jadul sampai yang terbaru selalu disertai font navigator agar User lebih enjoy di corel
  • find fonts on local and network drives and add them to the Font Catalog so you can access all the available fonts on your system from one list menemukan font pada jaringan lokal dan drive dan menambahkannya ke Katalog Font sehingga Anda dapat mengakses semua font yang tersedia pada sistem Anda dari satu daftar
  • install and uninstall fonts by dragging and dropping menginstal dan uninstall font dengan menyeret dan menjatuhkan
  • organize fonts into manageable groups that you can install by clicking a shortcut mengatur font ke dalam grup yang dikelola dapat menginstal dengan mengklik cara pintas
  • view and print font samples melihat dan mencetak contoh font
  • search for and buy fonts on , giving you instant access to the largest collection of fonts ever assembled for online delivery mencari dan membeli font pada, memberikan Anda akses cepat ke koleksi font terbesar yang pernah berkumpul untuk pengiriman online

To start Bitstream® Font Navigator® Untuk memulai Bitstream Font Navigator ® ®

  • Click Start > All programs > CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 > Bitstream Font Navigator . Klik Start> All Program> CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3> Bitstream Font Navigator.

To install fonts Untuk menginstal font

  1. In the Go to a different folder box , select the Font Catalog , or select the drive or folder with the fonts that you want to install. Dalam Ke kotak folder lain, pilih Font Katalog, atau pilih drive atau folder dengan font yang hendak Anda install.
  2. Select the font that you want to install. Pilih font yang ingin Anda instal.
    To select more than one font, hold down Ctrl as you make your selections. Untuk memilih lebih dari satu font, tahan tombol Ctrl ketika Anda membuat pilihan Anda.
    To select a range of fonts, hold down Shift as you click the first and last fonts in the range. Untuk memilih berbagai font, tahan Shift saat Anda mengklik huruf pertama dan terakhir dalam kisaran.
  3. Drag the selected fonts to the Installed Fonts list. Tarik font yang dipilih ke daftar Font Installed.
    (Top) You can install fonts by simply dragging them.(Top) Anda dapat menginstal font hanya dengan menyeret mereka.
    (Bottom)A check mark appears next to the font name in the Font Catalog to indicate that it is installed.(Bottom) Tanda centang akan muncul di sebelah nama font di Katalog Font untuk menunjukkan bahwa ia terinstal.

To organize fonts into groups Untuk mengatur font dalam kelompok-kelompok

  1. Click the Create New Font Group button. Klik Buat Grup Baru tombol Font.A folder appears in the Font Groups list. Folder muncul dalam daftar Grup Font.
  2. In the Font Groups list, type a name for the font group, and press Enter . Dalam Grup Font daftar, ketik nama untuk kelompok font, dan tekan Enter.You can add fonts to the group by dragging fonts from the Font Catalog. Anda dapat menambahkan font ke grup dengan menyeret font dari Katalog Font.You can install the font group by dragging it to the Installed Fonts list. Anda dapat menginstal font kelompok dengan menyeret ke daftar Font Installed.

To view fonts by format or style Untuk melihat huruf menurut format atau gaya

  • Do one of the following: Lakukan salah satu dari berikut ini:
    • To view the fonts by format, click the View Fonts by Format button, Untuk melihat menurut format font, klik View Font oleh tombol Format,and choose OpenType, PostScript Type 1 , or TrueType . dan memilih OpenType, PostScript Type 1, atau TrueType.
    • To view fonts by style, click the View Fonts by Style button, Untuk melihat dengan gaya font, klik View Font by Style tombol,and choose a font style option. dan memilih gaya font pilihan.

To preview a font Untuk melihat pratinjau font

  • In either the Font Catalog or Installed Fonts list, click the font you want to preview. Baik dalam Font Font Installed Katalog atau daftar, klik font yang Anda inginkan untuk melihat dulu.The font preview appears in the Font Sample list. Preview font muncul dalam daftar Contoh Font.
    sekian dulu tutornya kali ini.

This tip has been written for CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite X3. While similar features might be available in previous releases the tip will be fully applicable to CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 and newer versions only.

CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite includes Bitstream® Font Navigator®, an award-winning font manager. Font Navigator allows you to quickly and easily

  • find fonts on local and network drives and add them to the Font Catalog so you can access all the available fonts on your system from one list
  • install and uninstall fonts by dragging and dropping
  • organize fonts into manageable groups that you can install by clicking a shortcut
  • view and print font samples
  • search for and buy fonts on, giving you instant access to the largest collection of fonts ever assembled for online delivery

To start Bitstream® Font Navigator®

  • Click Start >All programs >CorelDRAW Graphics Suite >Bitstream Font Navigator.

To install fonts

  1. In the Go to a different folder box, select the Font Catalog, or select the drive or folder with the fonts that you want to install.
  2. Select the font that you want to install.
    To select more than one font, hold down Ctrl as you make your selections.
    To select a range of fonts, hold down Shift as you click the first and last fonts in the range.
  3. Drag the selected fonts to the Installed Fonts list.

    (Top) You can install fonts by simply dragging them.
    (Bottom)A check mark appears next to the font name in the Font Catalog to indicate that it is installed.

To organize fonts into groups

  1. Click the Create New Font Group button. A folder appears in the Font Groups list.
  2. In the Font Groups list, type a name for the font group, and press Enter. You can add fonts to the group by dragging fonts from the Font Catalog. You can install the font group by dragging it to the Installed Fonts list.

To view fonts by format or style

Bitstream font navigator catalog download free
  • Do one of the following:
    • To view the fonts by format, click the View Fonts by Format button, and choose OpenType, PostScript Type 1, or TrueType.
    • To view fonts by style, click the View Fonts by Style button, and choose a font style option.

To preview a font

Bitstream Font Navigator Catalog Download

  • In either the Font Catalog or Installed Fonts list, click the font you want to preview. The font preview appears in the Font Sample list.