Story Of Nalan And Damayanthi In Tamil


Post No.7590

Date uploaded in London – 18 February 2020

  • Nala Damayanthi. A village cook Ramji goes to Australia to become a chef at a multi-millionaire Indian's home. Unfortunately, the millionaire dies of indigestion the day Ramji arrives, leaving him jobless with an expired visa. Desperate to stay and earn, he starts working illegally as a cook, but to stay on, he needs to get legal.
  • Nala Damayanti - With willpower and self- confidence one can even change their fate - this is the moral behind the story of Nala's wife Damayanti, learned th.

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நள தமயந்தி கதை - Read Nala Damayanthi Movie Story in Tamil, Nala Damayanthi Synopsis, Nala Damayanthi movie details, Nala Damayanthi movie first look, review and Preview in Tamil and more in the online movie database of Filmibeat Tamil. Nala wanted to marry Damayanti, the beautiful daughter of king Bhima. Damayanti did not know him, so Nala sent his swan to her. The swan flew to Damayanti's palace and finding her alone in the garden, sang praises of Nala. Meanwhile, King Bhima arranged for her swayamvara, where many princes gathered from whom Damayanti could chose her husband.

Story Of Nalan And Damayanthi In Tamil

Pictures are taken from various sources for spreading knowledge; this is a non- commercial blog.

Hindu epics and Puranas narrate many stories about women who changed the course of Nature to save their near and dear or their honour. Hindus believe chaste women can do miracles through the power of their chastity. Tiruvalluvar, the greatest of the Tamil poets, is the strongest advocate of such miraculous powers.

He says,

“A wife who may not worship god but wakes up with worshipful devotion to her husband has the (miraculous ) power to make rain fall at her bidding” – Kural couplet 55,

Another translation of the same couplet

“Even the clouds will obey and pour out rain at the bidding of a wife

Who prefers to worship her husband rather than any other god”.

That is, a virtuous woman who knows no other god but her husband may command the very clouds to pour forth rain and they will do so.

Probably this is an echo of Manu Smrti, where Manu says,

A virtuous wife should constantly serve her husband as a god, even if he behaves badly.

Apart from their husbands women cannot perform fire sacrifices or undertake a vow or fast; it is because a wife obeys her husband that she is exalted in heaven- Manu 5-154/155,

This means they get direct, free flight ticket to Heaven without doing any ritual! If they serve their husbands , that is more than enough!

Chaste women did such miracles only when they were very desperate. Hindus believed that truth and honesty are more powerful than Gods or Truth and Honesty are Gods.

Women don’t use the power for petty things. Hanuman had a novel plan for rescue Sita. Even when Hanuman asked Sita to sit on his shoulder so that she can easily escape from the prison house of Ravana, the demon,

Sita replied “What did you say? I can burn the three worlds with my one word through my power of chastity. But that will diminish the name and fame of my beloved husband Rama”

–Kamba Ramayana in Tamil.,


So each one is expected to do his or her lawful duty. If one failed to so, then women used their power.

Kannaki, the heroine of the greatest Tamil epic Silappadikaram, burnt Madurai City, when her husband was unjustly executed. She just commanded Agni , the God of Fire, to burn all the bad people in the city and Madurai was burnt to ashes.

Here are FIVE GREAT MIRACLE WOMEN who are worshipped by Hindu women even today—




Story Of Nalan And Damayanthi In Tamil Movie

Story Of Nalan And Damayanthi In Tamil



What did they do?

Story Of Nalan And Damayanthi In Tamil Language


Damayanti fell in love with a king named Nala. But the heavenly deities Indra, Agni, Varuna and Yama also wanted to marry her. Hindu women of the warrior caste (Kshatriyas) had the greatest freedom in the ancient world and they had chosen their own husbands. It was called Swayamvara. All the kings would get invitation letters. When Nala also attended it, the four Vedic Gods dressed themselves just like Nala and attended the Swayamvara ceremony. When the beauty Damyanti entered the decorated hall she was perplexed by seeing Five Nalas there. Immediately she used her power and prayed God to identify the Real Nala.,

Vedic Gods are from alien worlds. They are extra -terrestrials. Hindu scriptures beautifully describe the qualities of ETs,

Their feet wont touch the ground;

They would not perspire;

Their eyes wont wink;

Their garlands wont wither;

They can have beautiful women Apsaras with them, but they cant have sex. If they want sex they have to do Inter Galactic Travel and come to earth for sex. Puranas say Parvati cursed them that they can never have sex in the Swarga/Heaven.

Damyanti knew all these things. So after her prayer she looked at the feet of Five Nala Figures in the hall. Feet of four deities or ETs were above the ground. She identified her dream lover Nala and garlanded him.



The story of Nalayini is very long with interesting turns and twists. But for our part we will take only one incident. Since Nalayini put one condition for her marriage, she had to marry an old seer whose legs got paralysed. She told the world that she would marry a man of wisdom and thus landed herself in the hands of an old seer Maukhalya. He asked her to carry him in a basket wherever he wanted to go and Nalayini readily obeyed him. While transporting him in the strange vehicle of basket, she accidentally hit another seer Mandavya who was fighting for his life in a spiked pole. He was falsely accused of stealing royal jewels and was impaled. He was seething with anger because he did not steal the jewels and he cursed Nalayini that she would lose her husband before sun rise the next day.,

Nalayini also became angry for punishing her husband for her mistake. And she vowed that the sun would not rise if she is chaste and really devoted to her husband. The sun did not rise next day and it was still dark at 10 am. The whole world suffered and begged to Nalayini to bless them all with sun light. People even sought the good offices of Tri Murtis- Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

Though out Hindu scriptures we can see Truth wins; even god can’t change the Rtam=Rhythm=Truth. So gods begged to her as well. And she said ‘Let the Sun rise’. And it rose and shone.,

Such is the power of chastity!


Vedic sage Atri had a chaste wife called Anasuya. Her name meant ‘Never Ever Jealous’. Because of this rare virtue in a woman (women always feel jealous of someone; men too, but not to the extent of a WOMAN) and her devotion to her husband, she earned her miraculous powers. When the whole world praised her there were some non- believers . So the all powerful Triumvirate – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva came in the guise of Brahmins and had a good lunch at her house, when her husband was out. As a last request they told her they want to have breast milk, that too straight from her, not in a bottle or a cup. She did not even wait for a moment. She said ‘Yes my Darlings. So be it – Thadaastu’- she changed them into six month old babies and fed the Three Great Gods. Such is the power of Chastity.,


Savitri was the woman who married Sathyavan (meaning is Mr Truth) though astrologers told her family that he would die within a year of the marriage. She had so much confidence in her Chastity power she boldly married him. And came the predicted day. Yama, God of Death, came to take away his life. She argued with him and followed him, nagging him to return the life of Sathyavan. Yama couldn’t tolerate her nagging. He promised her several boons and one of which the traditional greeting that all Hindu women get. When a woman salutes any sage they will say ‘Deerga Sumangali Bhava. This means ‘let you live with your husband for ever’. Yama also greeted her with these words. She put a tricky question. How can I be a Sumangali (wife with a husband) when Yama has taken her husband’s life. Yama yielded and gave her husband’s life back.,


Arundhati was a low caste woman by name Akshamala. She became the wife of Vasistha, a great sage of Vedic lore, and became a symbol of chastity. She literally became a star and became part of Ursa Major constellation also known as Sapta Rishi mandala in the northern sky. From Kanyakumari to Kashmir, every married woman must see her before entering the First Night room and take a vow that she would be another Arundhati.

Once all the Seven Great Rishis (Seven Seers in the Great Bear/ Ursa Major Constellation) did a Fire Sacrifice -Yajna in Sanskrit. Agni, the messenger of Gods, who carry all the offerings to heaven wanted to test whether Arundhati is a chaste woman. In fact, Agni wanted to show the world that she is chaster than any woman in the world. So he invited all the women to come to bed with him. Wives of six seers were ready and Swaahaa helped them to take her guise and they entertained Agni. Swaha is the wife of Agni. Swaha could not take the shape of Arundhati however hard she tried.,

Though it is a symbolic story that shows Arundhati became a star because she was the most chaste woman in the universe. Sangam Tamil literature praises her in several places. So she was recognised from Kanyakumari to Kashmir.

Even today she is one of the important part of rituals in Hindu marriages.

There are many more stories of chaste Hindu women. This must be part of School syllabus. There are many stories where men remained chaste and Rama stands at the top. All Hindu kings could marry many women, but Rama was the only Hindu king who refused to marry another woman. Since Hindu scriptures say that a man cannot perform religious rituals without wife, Rama made a golden statue of Sita and did religious rituals keeping it by his side. This rule applies when one’s wife is alive but not available for rituals.,

It wouldn’t be out of context to mention here that two great people insisted chastity for men also. Subrahmanya Bharatiyar, the greatest of the modern Tamil poets, who lived 100 years ago and Varahamihira who lived 1500 years ago insisted chastity for men like women.

Long Live Chaste Women!

Posted by Tamil and Vedas on February 18, 2020

Nala, a character in Hindu mythology, is the king of Nishadha Kingdom, son of Veerasena. Nala is known for his skill with horses and culinary expertise. He married princess Damayanti, of Vidarbha Kingdom after a svayamvara , and their story is told in the Mahabharata.

One day Brihadasva, a reputed sage well-versed in the ancient lore came to Yudhisthira to console him on the loss of his kingdom. Yudhisthira received Brihadasva with great reverence and traditional respect due to a realized soul and said to him, 'It is very kind of you to come to me when I am reduced to poverty and shame. I think I am the most unfortunate being ever born on this earth.' Brihadasva replied, 'Adversity is nothing new. People in difficulties may imagine that they are the most miserable beings in the world. For instance King Nala and Queen Damayanthi suffered more privations and underwent greater misery.'
Dharamaputra's interest was roused and he requested the sage to narrate to him the story. Brihadasva narrated the long story, detailing the heart rending hardships which Nala and Damayanthi underwent patiently and how in the end they regained their prosperity. This is one of the ancient stories of Indian Literature and is full of pathos. It is an epic inside an epic and can be cited as an example of literature leading to the catharsis of emotions.
Nala was the ruler of the Nishadha. He was the commander of a vast army and conquered many countries and extended the frontiers of his kingdom from coast to coast. He was renowned as an able administrator and a just ruler. One evening Nala went to the royal park for recreation and rest. He saw a number of swans descending into the park. He appreciated their white wings, graceful gait and pearly plumage. He rushed slowly to catch them and all the birds made their escape with the exception of one. Nala was delighted at the catch. However the bird spoke to Nala in human tones, 'Great King, I am glad I am caught: you might have noticed my dilatory demeanour. Very recently I have seen a princess, the most beautiful maiden in the three worlds and I was wondering whether any prince could be found to match her accomplishments. At long last I could spot the worthy prince in you. If you set me at liberty, I will go and tell the same thing to Dhamayanthi, the daughter of King of Vidarbha.' Immediately Nala freed the bird and said, 'I have already heard of the princess and her exceptional beauty. I am happy that fortune has come to me flying, you can fly back, but please forget me not.' The swan flew away. However, Nala stood at the same spot silently till darkness. Nala went to bed dreaming about the swan and recollecting her sweet sentiments.

The swan went to Vidharbha and repeated the performance. This time Damayanthi and her maids caught hold of the swans one each. The swan caught by Damayanthi told her in human tones, 'I am coming from Nala, the most handsome prince I have seen in the three worlds. I am wondering whether any princess could be found anywhere to match his attainments. At long last, I could spot out a worthy princess in you. You have to set me at liberty in your own interests.' Immediately Damayanthi ordered her maids to free all the swans. She requested the swans to take their bath in the pellucid waters of the artificial lake provided in the royal park and feast on the lotus stems. She requested the swan which spoke to her to go to Nala as her ambassador of love. The swan told her, 'Princess Vaidhatbhi, I have seen millions and millions of mortal couples. Pardon me if the husband is intelligent, the wife is not; if the wife is beautiful the husband is ugly; if the wife is dynamic the husband is passive; if one is daring the other is timid;if one is pessimistic the other is optimistic; everywhere incompatibilities are clubbed together in weary wedlock. I prefer to be brief. If you both are married I can proclaim without any fear of contradiction that for the first time in the history of creation there would be a human couple ideally matched and made for each other.'
Damayanthi was very much pleased with the sweet words of the swan. The swans flew away after feasting in the lake for some time. Damayanthi stood starring at the horizon silently heaving a sigh quite oblivious of the setting sun and the spreading darkness. Damayanthi went to bed dreaming about Nala, the swan and her sweet sentiments. Nala and Damayanthi, though separated by distance, were suffering from love sickness and spending sleepless nights tormented by the floral shafts of cupid, on beds of tender leaves and lotus stems smearing sandal paste mixed with camphor all over their bodies.

Story Of Nalan And Damayanthi In Tamil Pdf

The maids in waiting informed Bhima, the king of Vidharbha that the love-lorn Damayanthi was absent minded and not even taking food or drink. He thought over the matter, decided to proclaim Svayamvara of Damayanthi and invited all the Princes including Nala. Many Princes came to the capital city of Vidharbha followed by huge retinues.
Angels reported to Indra the unprecedented commotion caused on earth on account of Damayanthi's Svayamvara. Indra and three other rulers of celestial regions decided to attend the svayamvara. On the way they saw Nala coming to the svayamvara in his chariot shining like the sun god and descended to the earth. They met him and said introducing themselves, 'We are the rulers of celestial regions. Noble prince, we request you to do us a favour.' Nala replied, 'Please tell me if there is anything I could do for you.' The gods said, 'Truthful soul, we request you to go to Damayanthi as our ambassador of love. She can marry any one of us; tell that it would be the greatest privilege of any mortal maiden to be the spouse of celestial gods.' Nala replied, 'You see how embarrassing is the mission to me, it is an irony of human life that I, an aspirant myself, am obliged to be an advocate for you. Alright, I will try to do my duty true to my word to the best of my ability.' The gods said, 'We bless you, noble prince, with divine powers. You can enter the royal palace invisible to outsiders on your mission.'
Nala entered the chambers of Damayanthi in the royal palace and ushered himself into her presence abruptly. Damayanthi and her maids stood up in amazement at the sudden intrusion of a princely stranger. She, recollecting her wits, asked him, 'Evidently you must be an extraordinary personality to have entered my chambers unobserved by the guards of the royal palace. May I know who you are and why you have chosen this daring feat fraught with danger to your person?
He replied nonchalantly, 'I am Nala, the ruler of Nishadha. For the present I have come as an ambassador of the gods Indra, Varuna, Vayu and Agni. They are fascinated by your beauty and want that you should marry any one of them at the svayamvara. Damayanthi told Nala, 'In fact I am quite delighted to see the prince of my dreams. I am a mortal maiden and how can I marry a god. Everything the swan told me about you seems to be true.' Nala replied, 'I endorse your statement that what the swan has told is true. I see, you are coveted even by the gods, attracted by your beauty and accomplishments. How can mortals go against the wishes of mighty gods? Damayanthi said, 'I will commit suicide rather than marry anybody other than the man of my choice. Anyway let them come to the svayamvara and I will place the garland around your neck in their immediate presence.' Nala met the gods and apprised them with the determination of Damayanthi.
The svayamvara ceremony was started at the appointed hour. All the princes took their seat. The gods wanted to enjoy some serious fun at the expense of Damayanthi and sat next to Nala, all looking exactly like Nala. Damayanthi arrived on the scene with all the royal fanfare, holding the bridal garland by her right hand. When she looked at the princes seated in the royal auditorium, there were five Nalas instead of one seated in a row. She could easily realize that it was a crafty subterfuge devised by the divine beings. She prayed to them in her heart, 'O gods, I have every right to choose my husband. You have absolutely no justification for tormenting me like this, great souls, I request you to show mercy on this mortal maiden.

Story Of Nalan And Damayanthi In Tamil Full

The gods were pleased with her prayer. Damayanthi could spot out the gods with their static eyelids and their non sweating bodies. On the other hand tiny drops of sweat could be observed on the rosy cheeks of real Nala emitting rainbow colours by the diffusion of scattered rays of light. Damayanthi fastened the bridal garland around Nala's neck. The Brahmins chanted the vedic hymns. The marriage of Nala and Damayanthi was celebrated with royal splendor blessed by the Brahmins. The gods conferred on him great boons. Indra said that he would be personally present at his sacrifices, Agni, the fire god, promised him that he would be at his beck and call. Varuna, the water god and Vayu, the air god agreed to do likewise. The couple departed to Nishadha and lived happily.