Geoworks Ensemble 2.01 Download

NewDeal Technical Support Document 276

A few other Guis to try out are GEM and Geoworks Ensemble/PCGeos Last edited by Caluser2000; December 9, 2013, 07:10 AM. Thomas Byers (DRI)- 'You'll have a million people using the A MS-DOS prompt forever. Ventura Publisher 1.0 (Wyse 700 1280.800.2) Ventura Publisher 2.0 (VGA 640.480.16) Windows 1.04 (Wyse 700 1280.800.2). GEOS is a computer operating environment, graphical user interface, and suite of application software. Originally released as PCGEOS, it runs on DOS-based, IBM PC compatible computers. Versions for some handheld platforms were also released and licensed to some companies. PCGEOS was first created by Berkeley Softworks, who later became GeoWorks Corporation. Version 4.0 was developed in 2001. The serial number for serial is available. This release was created for you, eager to use serial number full and without limitations. Our intentions are not to harm serial software company but to give the possibility to those who can not pay for any piece of software out there.


Geoworks Versions 1.x and 2.x

Things you should know if you have Geoworks software, or if you have just upgraded from Geoworks to NewDeal

Running Geoworks on new computers or operating systems

You may experience difficulties running Geoworks software on computers fasterthan 66mhz or with DOS versions newer than 5.0, including Windows 95 andWindows 98. Geoworks software was written more than five years ago, beforecomputers faster than 33mhz were commonly available and before DOS version6. Geoworks Ensemble version 1.0 was introduced in 1990 and version2.0 was introduced in 1993. Geoworks Pro was introduced in 1991, QuickStart was released in 1992, and the Personal Office Series (Designer,Writer, and Desktop) were also released in 1992.

If you have one of these Geoworks softwares, we strongly recommend upgradingto NewDeal. NewDeal is designed to run on modern, fast computers andwith the newest versions of DOS and Windows. If you have documents createdwith Geoworks, you can use your documents with NewDeal software. NewDealoffers upgrade discounts to owners of legacy Geoworks products.

Until your upgrade arrives, here are some tips about making Geoworks runon modern computers and with newer operating systems. We provide this informationas a service and NewDeal does not guarantee that Geoworks software will workat all. Geoworks software will not run under Windows NT.

To run Geoworks Ensemble 2.0 or 2.01 on a computer fasterthan 66mhz or under DOS 7 or Windows 95 or 98, after installing the software,edit your GEOS.INI file like this

continueSetup = false
fs = ms4.geo
After making the changes, do not run SETUP.EXE. From the DOS prompt, runLOADER.EXE. If you are using Windows 95 or 98, follow the guidelines in TechnicalSupport Document 271, substituting theappropriate directories and file names for your software. If your computerhas more than 32mb of RAM, you may need to limit the amount of EMS or XMSmemory available to Ensemble to no more than 32mb of each type of memory.If you use the DOS memory manager EMM386, configure it for EMS (which isautomatically limited to 32mb). If you use Windows 95 or 98, to set limitsfor EMS and XMS, right click the shortcut you use to launch Ensemble, chooseProperties, and click the Memory tab.

For Geoworks Pro, Quick Start, Geoworks Ensemble 1.2 or the PersonalOffice Series, install the software, then edit your GEOS.INI filelike this

continueSetup = false

At the DOS prompt, enter these commands

setver setup.exe 5.0

Reboot your computer. To start the software, run LOADER.EXE. Do not run SETUP.EXEagain. If you are using Windows 95 or 98, follow the guidelines in TechnicalSupport Document 271, substituting theappropriate directories and file names for your software.

For Geoworks Ensemble 1.0, edit your GEOS.INI file likethis

continueSetup = false

Then at the DOS prompt, enter these commands

setver geos.exe 4.01
setver setup.exe 4.01

Reboot your computer. From the DOS prompt, run GEOS.EXE. Do not run SETUP.EXEagain. If you are using Windows 95 or 98, follow the guidelines in TechnicalSupport Document 271 (Windows 95 or 98 and NewDeal,substituting the appropriate directories and file names for your software.

Frequently Asked Questions

System-wide and NewManager questions

Can I use my Geoworks Pro and Ensemble 1.0 & 1.2 documentswith Geoworks 2.x or NewDeal software?

Yes, all of your old documents can easily be converted to the newerformat. These older files can be upgraded manually in NewManager orGeoManager. Just select the file by clicking on it once, thenchoose Upgrade 1.x Document from the Utilities menu. You can usethis procedure to upgrade your old GeoWrite, GeoDraw, GeoDex,GeoPlanner, Scrapbook, background and clip art files. See supportdocument number 239 (Upgrading Geoworks 1.x documents) for more information.

When I try to upgrade my documents, I get the message, 'ErrorConverting File.'

You need to turn off the Read­Only attribute for files youwant to upgrade. In NewManager or GeoManager, select the file, then chooseFile Information, Change Attributes from the File menu.

Can I use my NewDeal or Geoworks 2.x documents with Geoworks Proor Ensemble 1.2?

No. The format for the newer documents is much more complexthan the format of Pro and Ensemble 1.2 documents. For NewWriteor GeoWrite documents, you can save them as ASCII text files using the exportfeature, then import them into Pro or 1.2's GeoWrite using theInsert from Text File option on the File menu.

What happened to the Beginner and Intermediate workspaces thatwere in earlier versions of Geoworks?

Because the Beginner and Intermediate workspaces were completelydifferent from the main NewManager or GeoManager screen, some userswere confused when they switched to the Advanced workspace. Since NewManagerand GeoManager offer access to complete file management functions and User Levelsare available in each application, the Beginner and Intermediate workspacesare no longer included.

Geoworks 1.x had a Welcome screen. Without a Welcome screen,how do I get to the DOS Programs screen?

From the main NewManager or GeoManager screen, click on the button labeled DOS.

How can I start a DOS Program from within Geoworks or NewDeal?

You can simply double­click on the DOS program's icon inNewManager or GeoManager or you can select Create Launcher from theUtilities menu to make a launcher for the program.

Can I use my old Geoworks fonts in NewDeal software?

Copy the fonts from the GEOWORKSFONT or GEOS20USERDATAFONTdirectory to the NEWDEALUSERDATAFONT directory. If the fontalready exists in your NewDeal software, do not overwrite it. Youmay need to exit and re­enter NewDeal before theadded fonts are recognized.

What is the Desk Accessories folder for? It looks empty.

Applications you place in this folder are 'always on top'of other open applications. You might find this useful behaviorfor the Calculator, the addressbook, or other apps you frequently use.Simply move the application into this folder to make it an 'alwayson top' application. If you decide you don't like this behavior,move it out of the Desk Accessories folder and back into the Worlddirectory.

What are these User Levels? Why do they keep changing backafter I set them?

The User Levels are designed to ease the 'learning curve'for beginning and intermediate users. Say you're a beginning spreadsheetuser, but an advanced word processor: you can set User Level 2in your spreadsheet application and User Level 4 in your word processorIf you want the new User Level to be permanent, you need to choose SaveConfiguration from the Options menu in each application.

How do I use my faxmodem?

Geoworks software and early versions of NewDeal offer direct supportfor the Complete Communicator fax modem. If you have another brand offax modem, consider upgrading to NewDeal, which includes supportfor sending and receiving faxes with most faxmodems, or thePrint­to­File feature may be able to generate files in aformat you can use with your fax software. See document number 218(Fax Support) for more information.

How can I dial into America Online from NewDeal software?

NewDeal software does not include a client for America Online.Geoworks software does include an AOL client, but it is no longersupported by America Online.

Can NewDeal products be used to automate interactions?

No. Programs like HP New Wave will perform tasks like that, because theyhave something called an 'agent,' but we do not. Also, some calendarprograms can start up something automatically, but NewPlannerand GeoPlanner cannot. A macro program is available from Breadbox Computersfor version 2 or 3.

Can I print something directly from NewManager or GeoManager?

Yes. Select one or more document files and then press CTRL+P, or selectPrint from the File menu.

Does the software support a network environment?

Yes, the software is network aware. That means you can run it on aworkstation attached to a network and will see the network drives.Network support has been improved with each version of the software.Version 1.x recognizes network drives on Novell Netware 3.xx networks.In version 2.0, support was added for Lantastic and LanManager networks.Version 2.1 was improved to see drives properly on Novell 4.1 servers.Banyan vines and some other networks are not supported.A network version of NewDeal is available that runs on the server.

What kind of mouse can I use?

There are 3 common types of mice: bus, serial and PS/2. The mouse mustbe 100% compatible with Microsoft, Logitech or Mouse Systems.

How much memory does the software take up when I'm runninga DOS application from a launcher?

It varies slightly depending on your system. About 2.7K.


How do I scale graphics and clip art? I used to do it in Scrapbook,but 'Copy at View %' isn't there now.

You can scale images in the draw layer of the major applications.Just paste the Scrapbook page into your document and use the Scaleoption under the Transform menu. Or paste it in and resize it bydragging one of the handles on the graphic. If you hold the Shiftkey down while dragging, the graphic will scale in proportion.

NewDraw or GeoDraw

How do I fuse and defuse objects?Geoworks ensemble 2.01 download full

Fuse and Defuse in version 1.x have been replaced by Group andUngroup in the Arrange menu in version 2.x or newer. Group andUngroup work in exactly the same way as Fuse and Defuse. Notethat Group and Ungroup are only available if you are at UserLevel 2 or above.

I moved an object off the screen. How do I get it back?

Starting in version 2.x, it is possible to move graphic objectscompletely off the screen, because you no longer have to clickon the object to drag it as you did in earlier versions. Now youcan move any selected object by holding down the right mouse buttonand moving the mouse in any direction. If you drag an object toofar in any direction, it will go off the screen and you will haveto drag in the opposite direction to get it back. If you've alreadyde­selected the object, choose Select All from the Edit menu.Then de­select all of the objects you can see, one at a time,by clicking on them while pressing the CTRL key. Now drag themouse while holding the right mouse button. The remaining selectedobjects (which were off screen) will be moved back into view.Also, you might temporarily enlarge your Page Size to help locatethe object.

NewFile or GeoFile

How do I create a new database? All I can do is open an existingfile or template.

You need to change to User Level 3 or 4 before you can start anew database.

NewWrite or GeoWrite

How do I set tabs?

Simply click on the ruler with the left mouse button. A left­alignedtab marker will appear at the position you clicked on. To changethe tab to a different alignment or to make it a 'dot leader'tab, double­click on the tab (or choose Tabs from the Paragraphmenu). The Tab Attributes dialog box will appear, where you canset the attributes or position of any tab.

How do I import an ASCII text file?

Choose New/Open from the File menu. Click on the Import button.In the Import File dialog box, select ASCII for file type. Selectthe directory path and filename in the File portion of the box,and click on Import to import the file, or open the file in TextFile Editor and copy/paste the text into NewWrite.

The INSert key isn't working anymore. How do I enable it?

Launch Preferences and click on the Look and Feel button. In thesection headed Overstrike Mode, click on Via Insert Key.

What happened to Save As under the File menu?

This option is only available under user levels 3 and 4. ChooseChange User Level. To make this the default User Level wheneveryou enter the application, choose Save Configuration from theOptions menu.

Can I print from small files like ASCII files?

Yes, you can print from the Text File Editor or import to NewWriteor GeoWrite and print from there.

Can I increase the spacing between letters my document?

Yes, you can increase the character spacing (sometimes called 'manualkerning'). Just choose Character Spacing.

Importing and Exporting files

Why does each application have different formats listed forimport/export?

Some formats are only appropriate for one type of application.For example, NewWrite is text­based, so it's difficult toexport NewWrite files in spreadsheet or graphics formats. Youcan always copy information from one application to another totry to expand your export options.

Why won't some of my files import?

  • The file may not be in a supported format.
  • Try selecting the specific file format instead of choosingAuto Detect.
  • Make sure the file has been saved in the application that generatesfiles of that format (for example, if you think a file is in WordPerfect 5.1 format, try to open and save the file in Word Perfect5.1).
  • If the import process seems to start, then just sits there,make sure you're allowing enough time for the import to complete.For large files, it's not unusual for the import to take severalminutes. We have even seen cases where importing took half anhour.
  • Some imports require large amounts of swap memory space. Tryincreasing the Max File Size in Preferences, NewDeal (or NewDOSor Geos).

How do I import a file?

Under the File menu, choose New/Open. Click on the Import button.

How do I export a file?

Geoworks Ensemble 2.01 Download Full

Under the File menu, choose Other. From the Other menu, chooseExport document.

How do I import my Quattro Pro spreadsheets into GeoCalc or NewCalc?

Open the file in Quattro Pro and save it again using the WK1 or DBFfile name extension. Once the file is in WK1 or DBF format, you can importit directly into GeoCalc or NewCalc.

Geoworks Ensemble 2.01 Download Free

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Last Modified 15 Feb 1999