Blackberry Software Update Encountered An Error

  1. Blackberry Software Update Encountered An Error Code
  2. Blackberry Software Update Encountered An Error For A

Apr 26, 2017 When attempting to upgrade a BlackBerry 10 smartphone using BlackBerry Link, the following error is displayed: A fatal error has occurred while updating your device's software.

  • BlackBerry 10.3.2 brings all the enhancements of 10.3.1 with additional features and fixes in one update to your BlackBerry 10 device. Features include a new UI with refreshed look and feel, BlackBerry Blend, BlackBerry® Assistant, battery-boosting technology, plus improvements to the BlackBerry® Hub, calendar, camera, multimedia and more.
  • Unplugging or disconnecting your Blackberry during an OS upgrade or update: The Blackberry update / upgrade process isn’t exactly a transaction (all or none) process so if it gets interrupted, your Blackberry OS might have been wiped or incompletely installed; resulting in a permanent boot loop, a white Blackberry screen, your Blackberry not turning on or not booting into your home screen.

A crashed , nuked or corrupt Blackberry operating system is nothing out of the blues so don’t panic if you find yourself in such a situation; afterall, its something you are most likely to come across sooner or later as you use your Blackberry anyway. I, for one, have lost count of how many times I have had to re-install my nuked or crashed Blackberry OS. It would either be that my Blackberry wont turn on , I would get a white blackberry screen with error codes (error 1xx, 2xx, 5xx, 6xx etc) or my Blackberry would freeze a lot and get annoyingly
slow. Good thing I used to regularly backup my blackberry contacts. In this tutorial, we’ll be discussing some effective technique which you can use to fix a crashed Blackberry phone all by yourself

What is a Blackberry Operating System Software (OS)?

A Blackberry OS is a software which controls every hardware and software component of your Blackberry; that is, how they communicate with each other and other devices you connect to (either via your Blackberry cord, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc). Without the Backberry Operating System, your Blackberry can’t function because every thing your use on your Blackberry is presented to you and controlled by the operating system. Blackberry operating systems usually come in versions like 4.x.x , 5.x.x , 6.x.x etc. An OS 4.22.123 would be lower than 4.22.600 . In each upgrade, Blackberry corrects certain flaws in previous versions and integrates newer functions / features so its a good idea you upgrade your Blackberry Operating System (OS) regularly (see ).

What does it mean for a Blackberry Operating System Software (OS) to crash, get corrupt or nuked?

As the Blackberry operating system is a software, it has a good chance of encountering either a run-time error (an error encountered while executing a task) or other errors which could make it malfunction / act in ways it was not intended to act. The term ‘crash’ , ‘corrupt’ or ‘nuke’ tells your that the error which the OS has encountered is rather serious and would either have to be restarted in other to flush the errors ( as indicated in a freezing, hanging or a very slow Blackberry) , refreshed or replaced (as indicated in a white Blackberry screen).

What could cause a Blackberry Operating System Software (OS) to crash, get corrupt or nuked?

There are quite a number of reasons why a Blackberry OS could crash entirely ( white blackberry screen or not turning on ) or malfunction ( freezing or very slow Blackberry). Some common reasons are:

  • Unplugging or disconnecting your Blackberry during an OS upgrade or update: The Blackberry update / upgrade process isn’t exactly a transaction (all or none) process so if it gets interrupted, your Blackberry OS might have been wiped or incompletely installed; resulting in a permanent boot loop, a white Blackberry screen, your Blackberry not turning on or not booting into your home screen.
  • Installing too many heavy apps: A lot of Blackberry users are guilty or installing too many heavy / unneeded apps. Such apps drain your Blackberry’s phone memory, puts a lot of load on your RAM and processor and could cause your Blackberry OS to eventually crash.
  • Installing incompatible apps: It is very important to check what versions of OS an app supports before you go ahead to install or upgrade it. Just a handful of faulty processes or incompatible apps is enough to crash your Blackberry OS.
  • Downloading your Blackberry Operating System Software from suspicious sources: When you download Blackberry device software or Blackberry OS from pirated sources, you stand a good chance of encountering trouble because the Blackberry operating system software you have downloaded
    would most likely have been tampered with.

How do I know that a Blackberry Operating system software (OS) has crashed?

The most common things you would hear from people with crashed, nuked or corrupt Blackberry phones are “My Blackberry wont turn on” or “How do I update my blackberry software”. A white Blackberry screen with an error code, a Blackberry not booting into the home screen or a freezing / very slow Blackberry are other signs of a crashed or corrupt Blackberry OS.

Blackberry software update encountered an error for a

Can my important Blackberry contacts, files and other stuff be recovered after my Blackberry Operating system software (OS) has crashed?

Regardless of the type of Blackberry OS crash, your files on your SD card (memory card) will not be affected. Your Blackberry contacts, phone contacts and all other things stored on your phone memory; however, have a slim chance of being recovered if the crash is very serious ( as in the case of a white Blackberry screen). It is advisable you regularly backup your blackberry contacts (see ).

Will my Blackberry still function normally after I have fixed the crashed Blackberry OS issue?

Yes, your Blackberry should function normally if you follow the right steps while refreshing or updating the OS.

What would I need to fix my crashed Blackberry OS?

  • A laptop or desktop computer
  • A Blackberry cord
  • The Blackberry with a crashed, corrupt or nuked OS
  • Download JL_CMDER or Blackberry Swiss Army Knife (BBSAK) : BBSAK and JL_CMDER are two tools which are well recommended in fixing a lot of Blackberry problems not only because they have a lot of features but also because they are very easy to use.
  • Download Blackberry Device Software and Blackberry Desktop Manager: The Blackberry Device Software is the Blackberry OS while the Blackberry Desktop Manager is the software you install on your PC to manage your Blackberry. It is important you download Blackberry Desktop Manager so that necessary Blackberry drivers will be installed on your PC. It is optional to Download Blackberry Device Software (OS) unless you wish to install a new OS

How do I fix my crashed , corrupt or nuked Blackberry phone ( below OS 10)?

There are two major approaches.

  • You could refresh your Blackberry OS ( easier and more advisable )
  • You could wipe then install a new OS ( Note that you will need to Download Blackberry Device Software and Blackberry Desktop Manager for this approach )

I guess what’s ringing at the back of your mind is ” how do I update my blackberry software”? “Maybe I should just find a way to download blackberry device software and blackberry desktop manager”. This might seem like a two in one solution ( fix and upgrade) but believe me when I tell you that refreshing your OS is the more advisable method in fixing a crashed Blackberry OS because it is safer, easier and faster. If it fails, then you can push to upgrade or downgrade your Blackberry OS (see

If your Blackberry wont even come up at all i.e shows a white screen with an error code or keeps blinking a red LED without coming on then read and

Here’s how to refresh your Blackberry Device Software (OS):

Using JL_Cmder

  • Download JL_Cmder
  • Extract the installer from the JL_CMDER zip file to your desktop if you downloaded it in a .zip or .rar format
  • Install JL_CMDER on your PC
  • Connect the Blackberry with a crashed / corrupt Blackberry software (OS) to the PC via its cord
  • Launch JL_CMDER from its shortcut icon on your desktop
  • You will be presented with the JL_CMDER home screen, press any key to continue
  • If your Blackberry is password protected, press Y then type your Blackberry password or type N if it is not password protected
  • Note that the process will fail if your Blackberry is password protected but you supply an incorrect password
  • Select what you want JL_Cmder to do; in this case, ‘reset to factory settings (5)’
  • Type blackberry to confirm your selection then press enter
  • Your Blackberry will flash a white screen then automatically boot into a refreshed state
  • Follow the Blackberry setup wizard after the process is complete as you did when you used the Blackberry for the first time


  • Download BBSAK
  • Extract the installer from the BBSAK zip file to your desktop if you downloaded it in a .zip or .rar format
  • Install BBSAK on your PC
  • Connect the Blackberry with a crashed / corrupt Blackberry software (OS) to the PC via its cord
  • Launch BBSAK from its shortcut icon on your desktop
  • You will be presented with the BBAK dashboard having a field for you to type a password.
  • If your Blackberry is password protected, then type your Blackberry password or just leave the field blank and click OK
  • Note that the process will fail if your Blackberry is password protected but you supply an incorrect password
  • From the dashboard, go to the ‘Misc’ tab
  • Click ‘Factory Reset’
  • Your Blackberry will flash a white screen then automatically boot into a refreshed state
  • Follow the Blackberry setup wizard after the process is complete as you did when you used the Blackberry for the first time

How can I install a new OS to a crashed or nuked Blackberry phone?

  • Download Blackberry OS (latest version) for your Blackberry model and install it.
  • Restart your laptop / PC
  • Connect the Blackberry to the PC via its cord
  • Navigate to My Computer > C: > Program files or Program files (x86) if you use 64 bit > Common files > Research in motion > AppLoader > Delete a file named Vendor.xml > Launch a file named Loader .
  • The loader wizard will display a welcome message, click next
  • Select your Blackberry PIN from the drop-down list
  • Tick Detect communication port and click Next
  • Your Blackberry will show a white screen as the loader reads your Blackberry
  • At the Device Application Selection, select your language input (English), check any other thing you want installed on your Blackberry and click Next
  • If prompted to backup data automatically or wipe / overwrite, you can chose as appropriate.
  • Upon completion, you should get a success confirmation message as in the image above
  • This method is a lot more data (MB) friendly.

After my crashed Blackberry OS has been fixed, how can I avoid future occurrence?

  • Avoid tampering with your phone during an upgrade / downgrade process so that the cord doesn’t get disconnected and the process, interrupted.
  • Do not install too many apps on your Blackberry; uninstall any unneeded app and install later when you need it.
  • Ensure to read the app developers note on the website before you install an app so you dont go installing an incompatible / corrupt app.
  • If any app is causing errors (freezing or error prompts) on your Blackberry, uninstall it asap then re-install it
  • Download your Blackberry OS software only from trusted websites

What about Blackberry 10 devices?

For Blackberry OS 10 devices, you can use Autoloader @ to re-install the Operating System

Hovatek….just a button away!

Blackberry software update encountered an error for a

'JVM Error 517' appears on the BlackBerry Bold 9900 smartphone

Article Number: 000030332 First Published: April 26, 2017 Last Modified: September 12, 2018 Type: Support


  • BlackBerry OS verion 7
  • BlackBerry Bold 9900 smartphone

Issue Tracking

  • DT 2086208
  • DT 1968897

Blackberry Software Update Encountered An Error Code


The BlackBerry Bold 9900 smartphone stops responding, and the following error message appears:

JVM error 517



The BlackBerry Device Software encountered unexpected data in a memory location which is used for normal operations.


Ensure the BlackBerry smartphone is running the latest version of BlackBerry Device Software provided by the associated wireless service provider. If the smartphone is not running the latest version, visit the BlackBerry Device Software Updates web site or see article 3621 for instructions on how to update the smartphone.

If the issue persists after a reload or an upgrade of the BlackBerry Device Software, contact the wireless service provider for repair or replacement options dependent on warranty coverage.

Additional Information

JVM Errors are raised by the BlackBerry Device Software during various activities to make the BlackBerry smartphone user aware of a failure in which the BlackBerry smartphone could not safely recover normal operation. Although JVM errors may occur as a result of software related issues only, JVM Error 517 is known to occur due to interactions with the BlackBerry smartphone hardware.

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