Cadillac And Dinosaurs Turbo 98 Game Download


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a Arcade - Multiple System Emulator on the Windows platform

An excellent Capcom System 1 emulator from Bloodlust Software. It runs the following games:
Final Fight (US and Jap), Street Fighter II The World Warriors (US and Jap), Street Fighter II Championship Edition (US and Jap), Street Fighter II Turbo (US and Jap), Street Fighter 2 Rainbow Edition (Pirate), Strider (US and Jap), UN Squadron (US) and Area88 (Jap), Carrier Air Wing (US and Jap) Three Wonders (US) and Wonder 3 (Jap), Captain Commando (US and Jap), King of Dragons (US and Jap), Willow (US and Jap), Knights of the Round (US and Jap), Magic Sword (US and Jap), Megatwins (US) and Chiki Chiki Boys (Jap), 1941 (US and Jap), Rockman The Power Battle (Jap), Nemo (US and Jap), Varth (US and Jap), Quiz and Dragons (US and Jap), Mercs(US) and Senjyo no Ookami II(Jap), Punisher (US and Jap), Warriors of Fate (US and Jap), Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Muscle Bomber Duo, Pnickies (Jap), Ghouls 'n Ghosts (US), Capcom World 2 (jap) and Dynasty Wars (Jap).
Callus has features such as a full GUI, sound support, movie creation and playback, as in NESticle, Save State functionality, joystick support, QSound emulation, Kabuki Z80 decryption and quite a few other features.
The Callus 95 patch was created by CPS2 Shock and enables many new games in the Win9x version of Callus.
The Win9x DirectX port of Callus has Netplay similar to Nesticle95's implementation. Additionally, the DirectX functionality may help to increase speed when used with compatible video and sound cards.
A French version of Callus is also available.
A Norwegian version of Callus is also available.
QSP is a Q-Sound music player for many Capcom System 1 (CPS-1) and 2 (CPS-2) games, such as Super Street Fighter 2, and Street Fighter Alpha. It operates with the actual game roms, so there is no need for extraction ('ripping') or conversion.

Author's website:

Callus95 Patch v2.411/22/00






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Callus95 v0.42 (Norwegian)11/22/00






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CallusFR v0.42 (Win9x)11/22/00






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v0.42 (DOS)11/22/00






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v0.42 (Win9x)11/22/00






199.69 KBDownload

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Cadillac And Dinosaurs Turbo 98 Game Download Torrent

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مرسلة بواسطةfree bloggerفي12:32 PM

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs The Arcade Game (known in Japan as Cadillacs Kyouryuu Shin Seiki) is a 1992 arcade game released by Capcom. It is a beat 'em up based upon the comic Xenozoic Tales which was created by Mark Schultz in the late eighties. A TV series made after the game was released, though it wasn't a major success, and the Capcom game didn't have any relation with it as it was based entirely on the comic series. Not to be confused with the console and computer game Cadillacs and Dinosaurs: The Second Cataclysm made by Rocket Science Games but based on the same

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Attributes: The 'powerhouse' of the game, Mess equals to Mike Haggar from Final Fight series. Despite being slow he is the most powerful playable character in the game. His Diving Body Slam is powerful but not so functional, due to his poor jump ability. Players shall make good use of his throws, not only because they are especially powerful, but also to protect himself from enemy attacks, as all characters are invulnerble when performing a throw

As in a typical beat' em up game, there are nasty enemies to oppose the players, described below.
* Bikers (Gneiss, Ferris and Driver) - the most basic enemies of the game, they are usually dim-witted, attacking mostly with punches, kicks and rarely with a flying kick. They also often drop several firearms when defeated. Gneiss enemies can appear on their 'powered-up' motorcycles trying to run over the player. Gneiss wear blue with grey (complete with riding goggles), Ferris wear orange with grey, Driver wear black with green (having more life than his fellow friends).
Alternative names in Japanese version: Risk for Gneiss, Astro for Ferris and D.D. for Driver.
* Midgets (Punk and Thug) - very annoying small enemies. They are somewhat harder to deal with (and thus can be a real pain for most players) due to their smaller stature and bigger aggressiveness. They jump a lot and attack with fast punches and kicks, shoulder butts, jump kicks and even throwing grenades (for Punk) and TNT bundles (for Thug) - which they can drop when killed. Punk wears blue pants while Thug wears pumpkin pants.
Alternative names in Japanese version: Nitro for Punk and Turbo for Thug.
* Knife Men (Blade and Razor) - cruel guys skilled with butchery knives. They can attack both disarmed (with simple punches) and with their trademark knives - which they can use to stab or swipe, execute a jumping downward stab attack, throw them (the player can hit incoming knives to deflect them, thus allowing their use) and use a running swipe attack (which has good priority and shall not be confronted). These guys constantly drop their knives when killed. Blade wears yellow with navy blue and blonde hair, Razor wears lime green with graffiti and tanned skin.

* Fat Guys (Black Elmer, Hammer Terhune and Wrench Terhune (commonly Blk Elmer, Hammer T. and Wrench T.)) - powerful obese enemies that can deal good damage if the player is not careful. These former American football players attack with basic punches and kicks, with addition of running shoulder charges and a painful jumping hip smash. In some occasions they will also disturb sleeping Shivats in order to wake them into rampage. They usually bring food in their pockets and smoke cigars when idle. Blk Elmer wears purple with blue clothing, Hammer T. wears gold with red clothing and Wrench T. wears white with green clothing.
Alternative names in Japanese version: James for Blk Elmer.
* Hunters (Poacher Joe (commonly Poacher J.), Gutter and Skinner) - the Black Marketeer's most favored gunmen, they are responsible for killing and selling dinosaur leather and bones for luxurious collectors at extorsive prices. These guys wear torn-down sweatshirts, near-discolored pants, climbing boots and hunting rifles (though they rarely fire them, and even more rare they drop their rifles when defeated). Their attacks include combos of rifle smacks with kicks, a rolling rifle smash, a hopping kick and the rare rifle shot. Gutter sports yellow sweatshirt, Poacher J has spinach-green and Skinner wears papaya-red.
Alternative names in Japanese version: Saturn for Gutter and Cobra for Skinner.
* Lash Terhune (commonly Lash T.) - tall built guys with leather clothing and a huge steel mace attached to a long rope. Lash T. has basic attacks with knee and his mace, plus a long-range mace fling that deals good damage against any careless victim, friend or foe. He also chews bubblegum after flinging his mace.

* Walther - a minor variant of Vice Terhune (Stage 1 Boss), these guys lead the Black Marketeer's poachers in their incursions for killing dinosaurs. He makes his debut in Stage 3 and appears frequently through the game. This enemy has the same actions and skills of the default first boss, but is incredibly harder to fight. Sometimes, Walther drops his handgun when defeated.

* Bludge - this Blanka-looking creature is a human-reptile hybrid created by Dr. Simon Fessenden himself. Being a reptilian, this foe is a formidable combination of strength and agility, possessing other characteristics such as long jumping kick, diving claw slash and acid spits. He can also grab the player with his tongue and slowly drain his/her health unless the player breaks free. Bludge can also eat objects laying on the ground to prevent their further use in battle (however, if he is killed quickly, the object can be recovered from his stomach before digestion).

* Tyrog 2 - just like Walther, this being is a lesser variant of Tyrog (Stage 6 Boss), and is fought only once (in the first scene of Stage 8). This hideous creature combines every action from all of Tyrog's 3 phases. Being a minor-level enemy, Tyrog 2 is easier to kill.
Dinosaurs can be neutral or enemies in the game. When neutral they are in green color; when enraged or attacking they turn into red color; when 'defeated' they return to green color and stop attacking, thus moving off screen. Having no allegiances, dinosaurs will attack anyone in their vicinity, player or enemy.
* Rock Hopper (commonly R. Hopper) - a kind of velociraptor. He is usually friendly until being attacked, and his claws and teeth are viciously powerful.
* Mack - a triceratops whose only attack is a painful charging headbutt. It's best to beat him when he stops charging.
* Zeke - a pteranodon which only uses airborne attacks fitting to his winged nature. He can be somewhat hard to hit. But, an easy way to spot it is by standing on his shadow, right below him, and strike right as it goes close to the ground.
* Shivat - a Tyrannosaurus-Rex, this 12 feet (3.7 m) behemoth is commonly found sleeping but will wake up in a rampage if disturbed by fat guys hitting him. Shivat has tremendously powerful biting attacks and causes minor ground shakes when walking. It is by far the hardest dinosaur to be calmed down, so players are advised not to let a Shivat being awakened.

As is customary with beat' em up games, there is a boss at the end of every level. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs has 8 levels and of course 8 different bosses.
Cadillac And Dinosaurs Turbo 98 Game Download
Hannah Dundee fights Vice Terhune (along with a Rock Hopper), the first boss of the game.
* Vice Terhune (commonly Vice T.) - the boss of City In The Sea (Level 1)
* The Butcher (Atomic in Japanese version) - the boss of Swamp Forest (Level 2)
* Hogg (Gaspar in Japanese version) - the boss of Hell Road (Level 3)
* Slice - the boss of Jack's Garage (Level 4)

Cadillac And Dinosaurs Turbo 98 Game Download Pc

* Morgan / Morgue - the boss of Village Of Flame (Level 5)
* Tyrog - the boss of Jungle and Mine (Level 6)
* Slisaurs - the bosses of The Vault (Level 7), they are 'reptilian clones' of Slice (Level 4 Boss)
* Dr. Simon Fessenden - the boss of Deep Deep Down (Level 8)
Weapons are subdivided into 3 distinct classes: melee weapons, throwing weapons and firearms. Melee ones can have their attacks 'delayed for extra damage', implying that the longer the player keeps the attack button pressed, the more damage it deals when hitting. Firearms, on the other hand, are mostly limited to their ammunition: when having their ammo fully depleted, they will lay on the ground (with exception of the Bazooka, which disappears right after), waiting for a reload, in which state they can be used as throwing weapons until reloaded (except for Rifle and M-16A1, which will be melee weapons). Bullet boxes will only reload firearms: if there are several firearms scattered around and the player grabs a bullet box, the first firearm picked up right after will be the reloaded one, with full ammo. Throwing weapons usually can be used only once, unless it can be used for melee attacks at close range (like Knife and a broken Rod


Mustapha Cairo

Cadillac And Dinosaurs Turbo 98 Game Download Free

Mess O'Bradovich